Panther Periodical

Panther Periodical 09.19.23

Hello Panther Family, This week, we are beginning to ramp up our focus on college and career readiness. Specifically, our freshmen will be taking the TSI this week during their AVID classes.

Panther Periodical 09.12.23

Monday, September 11 marked 22 years since the tragic events of September 11. Yesterday, we commemorated the events of that day with a moment of silence at the beginning of the first class period of the day.

Panther Periodical 08.28.23

We are entering the third week of the new school year! Even though we are still at the beginning of the school year, we have many things to be thankful for. As the honeymoon phase is beginning to fade, we are continuing to focus on our mission of developing relevant learning experiences for our students each day. This week, we will focus on maximizing our time in the classroom, as it is important that we ensure students learn each day.

Panther Periodical 08.21.23

Thank you for a great first week of school! It was so great to see strong relationships being built, relevant and engaging lessons being taught, and a sense of campus pride. Before moving forward, I would be amiss if I did not acknowledge the tragedy that took place at Travis HS last week. Please keep the Travis HS community in your thoughts and prayers.

Panther Periodical 08.14.23

Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year! It is truly a privilege to have the opportunity to serve the Eastside community once again. Our faculty and staff have been working hard to prepare for the school year. With an ultimate goal of being the first choice in education for East Austin families, we have a few areas of focus this year. These goals include: Ensuring Learning, Instilling Pride and College and Career Readiness.

Panther Periodical 2.14

Get the latest information on what's going on at Eastside Early College High School. Panther Periodical 2.14

Panther Periodical 11.09

This week's Panther Periodical is ready for reading.  Click HERE to see what's happening at Eastside Early College High School. 

Panther Periodical 10.05

EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about this week's events at Eastside Early College High School in the Panter Periodical.

Panther Periodical 9.06

The first Panther Periodical of the new school year is out. Click here to read what's happening on our campus. 

Panther Periodical 5.23

This is our final Panther Periodical for the 21-22 School Year. It has been the ultimate privilege to serve Eastside students and families. I am proud of our Panthers' resiliency through a unique school year, and look forward to what our future holds!

Panther Periodical 5.16

Hello Panthers! In this week's Panther Periodical:

Panther Periodical 5.9

Hello Panthers! This week's Panther Periodical covers: