AISD Student Code of Conduct:
The Campus and Guardian Compact that is sent out at the beginning of the year is below:
Research shows that when parents are involved in schools, students achieve more, attendance is better, grades and test scores are higher and graduation rates increase and they are more likely to reach their highest potential for intellectual, social, emotional and physical growth. This school compact represents our commitment to work together toward the goal of exemplary student success. Please sign and return this compact to your child's advisory teacher.
School's Role and Commitment
As a campus, we want all of our students to succeed academically. We will:
- Host monthly parent meetings to discuss progress and strategies towards student achievement
- Encourage students to participate in extra-curricular, enrichment, and/or intervention classes after school, if appropriate
- Conduct ongoing formative and summative assessments at the campus/district level and share results with parents on a regular basis
- Host academic learning events for families to strengthen partnerships between campus and home
- Communicate with parents through monthly activities, calendars for parents, newsletters, etc. on an ongoing basis
- Provide a rigorous curriculum and quality teaching for every child every day
- Welcome parents/visitors on campus, but for the safety and security of campus always sign in at the front office upon arrival
Parents Role and Commitment
As a parent, I want my child to be successful, prepared for school and ready to learn every day. I will:
- Ensure my child has good attendance and arrives to school on time every day so he/she will not miss important instruction
- Ask my child to share what he/she is learning in school each day and make sure my child completes homework assignments- especially nightly reading and math practice
- Enroll my child in available After School Programs that provide enrichment and intervention
- Attend Academic Learning Nights and other extra-curriculum
- Attend and/or request parent conferences to avoid loss of instructional time with my child's teacher to discuss his/her academic progress
- Review my child's grades, Parent Connection, report cards, progress reports, daily work and assessment scores regularly
- Maintain current contact information with the schools’ office
- Review and discuss the Student & Parent Handbook (online) and Campus and Parent/Guardian Compact with my child