9th Grade Information

Welcome to our Panther Community Class of 2024! We want to share information with all of our 9th grade families for the beginning of the 20-21 school year. Here are recorded presentations of our recent events.
First, here is a recorded presentation of our parent orientation.
Next, here is a recording of the YouTube Live Q & A we held for parents on Thursday, August 7th: https://bit.ly/EMECHS9thParentOrientation
Lastly, here is a recorded presentation from our freshman transition camp that was held on Monday, August 10th: https://bit.ly/FTCRecordedPresentation
If you have any questions or concerns in regards to your 9th grade student, please contact:
Mrs. Lopez
9th Grade Assistant Principal
(512) 763-0801
Mr. Decherd
9th Grade Counselor
(832) 464-5757