NASA Field Trip

Students from Eastside Memorial Early College High School’s CTE Engineering and Special Education program experienced ‘A Classroom without Walls: A Day in Space’, as they made an innovative visit to Houston’s NASA!


With the creative planning of Life Skills teacher, Eleanor Harris, EMECHS was awarded the Austin ED Fund’s Innovation Grant. This was used to show a diverse group of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) and Special Education Life Skills 9-12th graders a unique real-world glimpse of how they can integrate science and math methods learned in classrooms into the workforce. With hopes to expose students to creative and new ways of problem solving and show them how to engage in critical thinking, students will continue to implement the transformative use of technology they learned at NASA in continued classroom research, discussion and assignments ex: learning how to fly a drone!

Students were also provided with information on positive career options, educational opportunities and potential internships with NASA once they graduate!

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